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- Opinionated Lifestyle Blogger
- Brand Ambassador
- Activist
- Speaker
- Entrepreneur
Mia is an experience junky and her engaging & energized style showcases businesses with authentic & engaging social content. She combines a business model of lifestyle, experience, and storytelling. Mia brings out the best in each experience and shows her audience who they need to know, where they need to be and what brands are best (according to her opinionated opinion).
Women make over 85% of all consumer purchases. And that’s exactly who she represents – discerning females with a tremendous amount of buying power
Since 2015, Mia has been a brand ambassador, spokesperson, and luxury travel blogger and she has worked with many amazing brands & companies including:
Travel Excursion Collaborative partners: Hills of Africa Travel, Collette Travel, Visit Nova Scotia, Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority, Visit Carson Valley, City of Plano TX, Club 1 Hotels, Langham Hospitality (New York, Boston, Chicago). Renaissance Downtown Denver and more.
Car Companies: BMW, Lexus, Toyota, Nissan, Infiniti, Audi, Mazda, GMC, and more.
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