Transcript – Episode 56 – Sarah Kerr – Sacred Death Care
On episode 56 of Shit We Don’t Talk About, Mia has a chat with Sarah Kerr of Sacred Death Care. Sarah is here to talk about a new and different way to support dying and grieving people.
The Highlights
- Sacred Deathcare is about the spiritual aspects of death and dying. Sarah’s work is for people who see death as a sacred aspect of the journey of the soul, but who may not have an established spiritual base or tradition to work from.
- Sarah will often refer to herself as “clergy for the un-churched”.
- Sometimes we start by being engaged with organized religion or faith-based organizations but wind up wandering away for a variety of reasons. Sacred Deathcare can offer a way back to a spiritual but not religious space as a way to meet death.
- Sarah helps others enter the world of death work and support for death, dying, and grieving in her online course, “Awakening The Archetype of The Death Walker”. Encouraging and supporting the natural spiritual skills and abilities of individuals naturally sensitive to and drawn to the concepts of death and dying is a way to help people with these gifts to develop them and share them with the world.
- Meeting death well as a culture depends on having people who know how to meet death well. If we don’t support this in people, we don’t get people who know how to do that. Sarah believes that in every culture there are people who have the natural propensity to do this, and that we should give these people the support, encouragement, and training they need to perform this vital service.
- Sarah’s clients and students understand that death and loss are important parts of their spiritual journey, but they don’t have a spiritual map to guide them through these experiences. Sacred Deathcare brings a map rooted in energy medicine, systems thinking, sacred sciences, and ancient wisdom traditions. Sacred death care students are trained in a comprehensive healing methodology that aligns with deep patterns in the archetypal structure of the dying process.
- Sarah and Mia chat a bit about processing grief and loss. Sarah explains our ritualization of death in the west as a way for us to break down our grief and our loss into smaller segments that we can move through little by little. Six or seven ceremonies – formal and informal – that take place at and after death is gives us a way to move through what might otherwise be an overwhelming loss if we had to experience it all at once.
- “How can I die well?” Have a village around you. Sarah describes the roles of community, connection, love, and links to ancestors as critical in moving through the process of dying gracefully and with strength and purpose.
About Sarah Kerr and Sacred Deathcare
The Centre for Sacred Deathcare was founded to help people meet death–and life–in ways that are more healing, more holy, and more whole. Our work is dedicated to the health and well-being of our collective past, present, and future.
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Music Credits:
Inspiring Experience by Rafael Krux
Inspirational Infinity Of Space by WinnieTheMoog