Welcome to Episode 79 of Shit We Don’t Talk About. My guest is Corbin Knight-Dixon. Yes, he’s back! Corbin is a sexuality educator, learning coach, and advocate. In this episode, we dive into the topic of far-right fairytales and the manufactured culture war on education, trans rights, critical race theory, sex education, reproductive healthcare and so much more
Click here for the Episode Transcript
A few choice takeaways from this fabulous long-form episode:
- Abstinence-only educators have been trying to integrate Sexual Risk Avoidance Education programs – (SRAE) into public discourse. This is a rebrand because the term “abstinence-only” is extremely unpopular when you talk to the general public, so calling it “sexual risk avoidance” makes it more palatable. These programs should always raise an antenna or a red flag.
- Finding the funding & follow the money trail – often it’s not necessarily parents from the community but fringe groups or movements that are more national.
- Dangerous/Red Flag Organizations: Focus on the Family, Family Research Council, Alliance Defending Freedom, Parents Defending Education, No Left Turn In Education, American Federation for Children. Those names seem relatively benign, or like they’re protective as if they are foundations or organizations in place to protect children. And ironically, they’re really talking about specific families. Let’s say it aloud, white Christian families. Christian in a very puritanical sense of how we’ve defined it within its racist roots. And what we’ve seen in Western civilization in the United States is the history of racism and how it’s been weaponized by Christian culture. Also: Home Depot, Hobby Lobby, Chick Fil A
- Critical Race Theory is being attacked & the word “woke” being used as a weapon now is due to the fact that there is a real fear of having frank conversations about the systems and structures that allow racism to exist.
- Content Creators to follow: Nikole Hannah Jones, Dr. Barbara Shabazz
- Link referenced: Fred T. Joseph – Cost to ban a book in schools
- Historical Black Feminists to follow:
Corbin’s Calls To Action:
Fuck shit up, follow what young people are doing. Listen to them and follow their example – so many are making noise when it comes to anti-gun legislation and anti-trans bills.
Ask to see curriculum materials. You have every right to ask at least to ask to see what is being taught in your public education system
Put on your investigative hat. As parents and/or concerned citizens, you definitely want to know what’s happening in your community. Find organizations that are doing work already – because recreating it or starting a whole new group often takes so much more effort. Your local ACLU, Planned Parenthood, PTAs, community groups. There are a lot of organizations that already exist in the neighborhood or the community that you live in.
Corbin Knight-Dixon, MS, is an educator, trainer, and advocate in Upstate New York with 15+ years of experience in sexuality education, public health, sexual violence prevention, and healing justice. Currently, Corbin is the Director of the New York State Sexual Violence Prevention Training Center with CAI – Cicatelli Associates Inc.
This is his 3rd time on the podcast – check out his amazing previous episodes: Episode 18: Sex In The Time of COVID, Episode 35: Getting Rid of Toxic Masculinity
Find Corbin Knight-Dixon online at https://corbinknightdixon.com
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Music Credits:
Inspiring Experience by Rafael Krux
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/5670-inspiring-experience-
Inspirational Infinity Of Space by WinnieTheMoog
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/6593-inspirational-infinity-of-space
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/